Salary requirements and IND fees 2022
Below you can find the increase of the IND fees for Knowledge Migrant Visas for 2022. In 2021 this fee was set at €320,- for each application and extension, in 2022 this is now raised to €345,- for each application and extension.
There is also an increase on the fee for the visa application and extensions for family members: in 2021 the fee was €192,- for each spouse application, in 2022 this is increased to €207,-. The application for children used to be €64,- per application, but is costing €69,- since the start of the new year.
Not only have the fees been increased, also the income requirement for knowledge migrants has been raised. Whereas it had been set at €4.752,- a month excluding holiday allowance for employees of 30 years and older, this has now been increased to €4.840,-. A knowledge migrant that is under 30 years of age had a requirement in 2021 of €3.484,- and has now been increased to €3.549,- in 2022.
On a different topic, but also related to salaries, the salary requirement for the 30% tax ruling have gone up slightly. The annual taxable salary for an employee must be more than € 39.467 for 2022 (2021: €38.961). The taxable salary for an employee with a qualifying master degree and who is younger than 30 years, must be more than € 30.001 (2021: €29.616).
Should you have any questions about this, please do let us know!