About admin
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 22 entries already.
Entries by admin
Salary requirements and IND fees 2022
/in Local news, NewsThe IND fees for Knowledge Migrant Visas for 2022. In 2021 this fee was set at €320,- for each application and extension, in 2022 this is now raised to €345,- for each application and extension.
Amsterdam Office:
Jollemanhof 148,
1019 GW Amsterdam
+31 20 763 0790
Rotterdam Office:
Groot Handelsgebouw
CIC Rotterdam
Stationsplein 45, 4th floor
3013 AK Rotterdam
+31 10 763 0552
- Payroll Savvy2024-01-22 - 08:39
- HR Savvy2022-12-20 - 08:39
- Immigration Savvy2022-12-18 - 08:39
- Recruitment Savvy2021-06-24 - 08:39
- Finance Savvy2021-06-20 - 08:39
- Pension Savvy2021-06-19 - 08:39
- Real Estate Savvy2021-06-18 - 08:39
- Tax Savvy2021-06-17 - 13:20
- Budget Day 2024 – What changes to expect2024-09-30 - 10:45
- HR Manager2025-01-02 - 08:03
- HR Generalist2025-01-01 - 16:12
- Air Freight Forwarding coordinator2024-10-08 - 09:26